Ministry Focus
This ministry is a safe place for teens to “step out” and use their talents in the church.
Our Youth Ministry includes children and young adults ranging from Junior High to Senior High. We strive to create an environment for each teen to grow in relationship or be introduced to Jesus! These ministries meet regularly each month.
We at Newport Church are excited about and love youth! We see youth as a huge part of what God is doing TODAY and not the church of tomorrow! At the same time, we want to encourage, support and equip our young people to use their God-given talents and gifts. We see the teen years as a critical time to further develop and discover the path that God is leading each teen on as they enter adulthood. We realize some of these talents are known and some are yet to be discovered! Our aim is to provide a safe place to “step out” and use those talents, i.e. teaching Sunday School, leading a life group, serving, going on a mission trip or maybe helping to lead a mission trip. We strive to create a safe environment for each teen to grow in relationship or be introduced to Jesus!

Junior High
We invite all 6th, 7th and 8th graders to be part of our Junior High life group. We meet every other Wednesday evening at the church building in the upstairs youth room. We plan an annual summer Junior High Retreat, as well as additional strategic events for fun and times to challenge kids to grow deeper in their walk with Jesus.Click HERE for latest Junior High News!

Senior High
9th through 12th graders meet every week throughout the school year on Wednesday evenings. Senior High youth ministry actively embraces and teaches youth how to be equipped and discerning in today's culture. Senior High meets less formally over the summer but adds additional social gatherings along with a summer Senior High retreat.Click HERE for latest Senior High News!
In addition to our youth getting to know each other, we take advantage of being part of a larger family of churches and encourage our youth to go on annual winter retreats and summer Evangelistic Mission Training (EMT) camp with youth from many DOVE churches in the northeast U.S.