Life Group Book Resources

Encountering the Supernatural
Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, Encountering the Supernatural will place you on a path to a greater revelation of God's supernatural power in everyday life. Authors Larry Kreider, Kevin Kazemi and Merle Shenk draw from the Scriptures and their own personal experiences to teach us how to be awakened to the supernatural life that is intended for everyone, including you. Can be used for daily devotions, mentoring, personal or small group study.
Video Series: Eight sessions with questions: $29 | Newport Life Group Price: $8.70Book Only:

Finding Freedom
Becoming whole and living free: The struggle is real. We desire to follow Christ, but too often we find ourselves entangled and tripped up, falling back into the old patterns of our former selves. Authors examine God’s Word for the answers and share from their own lives and others who have experienced God’s true freedom. Can be used for daily devotions, mentoring, personal or small group study.
When God Seems Silent
Discovering His purposes in times of confusion and darkness. Why does it sometimes feel like God is silent? Authors reveal their own struggle with God’s silences and the tremendous breakthroughs that can be discovered during life’s confusing and darkest times. Can be used for daily devotions, mentoring, personal or small group study.
Building your Personal House of Prayer
I have always believed in prayer, but for much of my life I found prayer to be hard work. During the past few years the Lord has done a deep work in my prayer life. He gave me a fresh revelation of prayer, modeled after the pattern of Jesus when his disciples asked him to teach them to pray. The tools in this book can help believers learn to pray effectively. —Author Larry Kreider
The Cry for Spiritual Mothers and Fathers
Returning to the biblical truth of spiritual parenting so believers are not left fatherless and disconnected. How loving, seasoned spiritual fathers and mothers help spiritual children reach their potential.
Battle Cry for your Marriage
Four couples tackle issues of spiritual, emotional and sexual intimacy along with many other marital stresses. Biblically-based insights will inspire spouses to face issues, communicate honestly, find life-changing strategies and—most of all—love the One who gave them the gift of each other.