Message: “Father’s Dream” from Merle Shenk
June 23, 2020Message: “Three Passions of Jesus” from Larry Kreider
July 7, 2020
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CloseMerle Shenk - June 28, 2020
Time to Build
FEAR in SocietyThere is a concerted effort to keep people rowed up in our world today. There is an agenda preying on the nature of people to respond from a place of fear! Examples of fears in our society Proverbs 29:25 (AMPC) Why is it a snare? Never is someone more susceptible to manipulation and being controlled when they are afraid! When people are afraid they lose their ability to reason and respond honestly, authentically and with compassion. What, there's an Election this year?As we are halfway through this election year and politics is as divisive as ever, I would like each of us to consider these 12 core political values: Perhaps you would like to adopt them. 12 political core values: by Kris Valloton1- I can deeply love people in whom I strongly disagree with. 2- I refuse to demonize any politician who is made in the image of God. 3- I have enemies and Jesus gave me power over them on the cross. But my battle is NOT against flesh and blood. 4- When you call someone by a evil name, (Jezebel, Ahab, Hitler, false prophet, antichrist etc), you have decided that you know their hearts. But the Apostle Paul said, "Who are you to judge the servant of another?" 5- Associating with, or serving political people, should not be confused with embracing their ideologies. 6- All political offices deserve to be honored according to Romans 13. 7- I am commanded and called to pray for all my leaders. If you don't pray for them, then you don't have a right to critique their success or failure. 8- My first allegiance is not to a political party but to the kingdom of God. 9- I cannot separate my spiritual views from my political views because the government of this world is being affected and infected by the invisible realm. 10- Great government doesn't take away the right of people to sin. That's sharia law. It does however, protect people from sinning against others and teaching people to do so. 11- It's not the responsibility of government to christianize the world. That's the church's job. 12- Jesus rules the nations with rod of iron but He leads the church with a shepherd's staff. Please consider this when you are posting on Social Media. Especially over the next 7 months. DON’T PAY STUPID TAX! Fear is a tool that the enemy uses to control people! Proverbs 29:25 (NKJV) Psalms 37:3 (NKJV) Over and over again when God sent an angel to speak to someone what is the first thing that the angel says: - FEAR NOT! - Why because It can be scary when angel’s show up! Throughout the Bible we see that the very times with the biggest opportunity for God’s people to fear, was also the times that God was going to do something big in a major way. The children of Israel by the Red Sea with Pharaoh and his army trapping them Wondering in the wilderness needing water and food and God brings manna and quail. David going out to fight Goliath Queen Esther saves the Jews from annihilation by Haman. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego delivered from the firey furnace. Jesus death and the scattering of the disciples then His resurrection The Death of the apostle James and the deliverance of Peter The shipwreck of Apostle Paul the revival on the island of Malta There will always be challenges to overcome! This is why God gives us faith. 1 John 5:4 (NKJV) The Triumphant Overcoming Church 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 An herb releases it’s fragrance when it is placed in the pot of food over heat or when it is pressed of crushed. When you are in a time of immense pressure what fragrance do you produce? We are called to be an overcoming church! The Church on Assignment Why is there lack? Haggai 1 (NKJV) Haggai 2:1-9 (NKJV) Haggai 2:15-19 (NKJV) God gives the reason for the diminishing of the promised blessings and why they were not experiencing them. Because everyone was focused on their own life and not giving heed to building God’s house. God gives the solution. Get a heart to support God’s purpose for His house and ministry. The result was the full blessing of the Lord was restored! I believe the Lord is saying it is time to Build the church again! Living on Assignment Can God’s will be impacted by the will of man? We are heading into a season of new beginnings in Newport Church. We will be asking everyone to get involved and serve together in this vision in the future here. Will you allow yourself to be asked? Will you be willing to serve to build the House of the Lord? Season of Dedication to the Lord! I hear the sound of an abundance of rain! We are declaring the drought is over. The lack of miracles, signs and wonders, lack of prophetic utterance and revelatory Word of the Lord, lack of healings, and lack of breakthrough, lack salvations and discipleship, It ends now in this season - In Jesus Name!
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